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News 28|05|2024

Tim Jochems keeps ships operational for the Royal Navy

  • Maritime & Offshore

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Tim Jochems is actively involved on behalf of at the Directorate of Material Maintenance (DMI) of the Royal Navy. Together with his colleagues, he ensures that Dutch military frigates and patrol vessels are and remain operational. Read Tim's testimony about his job here.

“Sailing was instilled in me from a young age. My grandfather sailed on the cruise ships of Holland America Line, while my father first served in the navy and later moved to merchant shipping. I took the reverse path: after studying as a Maritime Officer, I started working in merchant shipping. Fifteen years later, I made the switch to the navy in Den Helder. Although sailing is in my blood, I wanted a bit more stability. And I found that in Den Helder, conveniently close to home. I can bike to work every day. And when I pass the ships lying in the harbor, I find that to be the most beautiful part of my journey.”

Customized engineering advice

Tim is co-responsible for keeping the medium-sized frigates and patrol ships operational. “When the crew faces technical problems they can't solve on their own, they turn to my colleagues and me for specific engineering advice. Think, for example, of issues concerning the replacement of equipment, SeWaCo installations, or fuel separators. As soon as ships go to the dockyard, we set up technical specifications. In these, we specify exactly what the repairs must meet. Our task is to provide advice and ensure that the set deadlines are met.”

Ukraine turning point

What makes Tim's job so fascinating? “Being able to work with ships every day, and with the technology that accompanies them, I find fantastic. A ship is, after all, a large collection of technology, and that's what I'm passionate about. Since the war in Ukraine, much more has been invested in Defense. It's important that the ships of the Royal Navy are continuously in optimal condition. If something happens, they need to be ready. Moreover, the two largest Belgian frigates, the Louise-Marie and the Leopold, are also maintained by the Directorate of Material Maintenance.”

When asked what skills someone needs in his position, Tim is clear: “Technical insight is, of course, a priority, that goes without saying. Moreover, transparent communication and intensive consultation are indispensable. If there are problems, you must also dare to name them. Because if things are stated clearly, you can immediately start looking for the best solution. And for that, you need to communicate with many people in Defense, as it involves a large organization.”

Being able to work with ships every day, and with the technology that comes with it, I find fantastic. A ship is, after all, a large collection of technology, and that's what I'm passionate about.

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